The Power of Global Networks - Blog Series

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Thursday, March 31, 2011

Alliances can produce synergies that benefit everyone involved

Fondo Alquimia has built alliances with various sectors of Chilean society. Our concept is that similar to people, organizations have causes in common with others that can produce synergies that benefit everybody that is involved. Last year, with the earthquake lived in Chile, people became conscious about the importance of  alliances, we all wanted to help and we looked for ways to coordinate this aid so that all places and different needs were met.

Our links are undoubtedly closer to the women's and feminist movement who is our place of belonging. We also have alliances with other organizations in the various social movements and trade union; we stand in solidarity with their demands and in turn summon them to support the demands of women.

We have dialogues with some universities, especially in relation to our experience in resource mobilization through our individual donors network 'Women Trusting Women', also for them to know about the work the grassroots organizations of the multiplicity of women activists working for women's human rights.

Some medium-sized enterprises which are sensitive to women’s cause collaborate with us giving in kind donations for our fundraising events. Similarly, other human rights and environmental NGOs call us to their events. We also have contacts with local governments that have progressive mayors who are interested in the advancement of women and their organizations.

As for religions as such, we are not related, however, we have conversations with women 'free thinkers' (masons) with whom we shared interests in positioning some issues related to equal rights of Chilean women. It is noteworthy that from march 2010, after the arrival of a right-wing government, has increased the interest in making alliances among organizations, including mainstream demands, which has meant a boom in people participation.

The actions undertaken with others have greater visibility and influence because they reach more people, have greater validity because there are several actors involved, and are more effective because they are complementary, leading to specialization of function. Undoubtedly, the sharing of common experiences enriches the knowledge of all participants and the value of solidarity is enlarged.

We cannot miss the risks, such as unlimited enthusiasm… So, it is advisable to establish partnerships with clear frameworks, i.e. we should be clear about  energies available, the way the alliance is inserted into the work plan and maintain identities clear as mission and values.

Sara Mandujano, Executive Coordinator
Santiago, Chile
Women's Funding Network member since 2002

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